Hello there!
This blog - as you might have already guessed - has something to do with writing, enjoying high-quality pens, pencils, inks, and papers...
About the author

Dries is a 24-year-old Belgian pen enthusiast who, unlike his Bic-chewing friends, is fond of everything that writes. Collecting nice pens gives an extra dimension to his everyday life as a graduate student (currently pursuing a PhD in Chemistry). Eight years ago - after collecting pens for almost half his life already - he felt like it was time for something new:... a blog! While writing blog posts, he loves to listen to music of pretty much all genres. His other hobby is photography, which helps provide a clear image of the products he reviews here.
But good images aren't the only thing necessary for a good and thorough review. Of course, a blog is built around the sharing of personal opinions and perspectives! Keep in mind that it's not a purely objective article, but instead filled with subjective thoughts from the author.
So how can you know if the thoughts expressed on this blog will fit your ideal of how a pen (or other product) should be? The article below, called 'my personal preferences', will help you get an idea of the preferences of the author, basically a guide to how this blog should be interpreted!
Have fun reading!